The Rockhampton Gentlefolk Single-speed, Fixie and Old Bike Society is a fun cycling group for the non-lycra set.

Since December 2015 we have been conducting social rides about once every 6 weeks.

We have had picnic rides, laneway rides, just-because-we-want-to rides, and quite a number of historical tours around Rockhampton.

Starting from about 12 people on the first ride, our last ride saw 45 riders on our "Port City of Rockhampton" historical ride.

We aim to continue the tradition, with rides at Mount Morgan, picnic rides, and a number of new and repeat historical tours planned.

A quite unreasonable amount of time and money has been spent doing-up old bikes just for our events. Every ride has a number of mechanicals, and we've been interrupted by an intense tropical storm, but we help each other out and get on with enjoying ourselves.

For details, including forthcoming rides, check out our Facebook Page

All riders must adhere to the road rules at all times: